DiCiM Project Integrated as Part of Academic Curriculum

KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), a distinguished partner in the Digital Circular Manufacturing (DiCiM) project, has taken significant strides in integrating the innovative concepts and practical applications developed within the DiCiM initiative into its academic curriculum. This collaboration has resulted in the enhancement of two courses at KTH, underscoring the institution's commitment to advancing knowledge and expertise in the realm of sustainable and circular manufacturing practices.

The first course, Circular Manufacturing Systems (Second cycle, 6 ECTS) aims to train engineers in Circular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) and bring forward innovative entrepreneurial ideas that will facilitate CMS implementation.

The second course, Circular Economy (CE) and Industrial Systems (Third cycle, 7.5 ECTS) will provide the foundations of the CE paradigm, conceptual frameworks necessary to understand the foundations of the CE, insights into current industrial trends regarding CE, and the policy rationale for CE.

These courses not only impart theoretical knowledge but also instil a practical understanding of the concepts, enabling students to be at the forefront of innovation and sustainable practices in the realms of manufacturing and industrial systems. KTH's commitment to integrating DiCiM's principles into its academic framework underscores its dedication to fostering a generation of engineers and professionals primed for a sustainable and circular future.


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1st Issue DiCiM Newsletter


Technology Spotlight: Machine Learning & the Role of Idener in the DiCiM Project