DiCiM Kickoff-Meeting

The 12 partners forming the consortium of DiCiM met in Brno, Czech Republic from 31st January to 1st February 2023 for the official kick-off of the project. During the 2 days of meetings, the partners had the opportunity to get to know each other and to coordinate the work for the following weeks and months.

The project aims to demonstrate integrated digital solutions in 4 use cases in 3 industrial sectors (white goods, electronics and automotive) that represent over 2/3 of the European Economy. This ambitious, multidisciplinary research and innovation team consists of digital value system management developers, demonstrators, standardisation experts and impact creators. The project will revolve around the value use and value recovery phases of the Circular Value Model (CVM) with the specific data, technology and the management needed to support its implementation.


Crowdhelix is an Open Innovation platform connecting an international network of universities, research organisations & companies.


Co-Creation Workshop at Lexmark, Budapest